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    • Satheesh PM
      5 Essential Tips to Earthquake Safety The rule of thumb for earth quake protection is simple: "Duck and Cover". In wake of the recent earth quakes the world has witnesses ANN has compiled a list of 5 essential tips to remember if you witness an...
      • Satheesh PM
          Are you satisfied with your job? Are you doing something worthwhile with your life? Are you achieving anything personally or professionaly through your job? Lis Job Satisfaction? If not, you might as well quit the job and be unemployed!...
        • Satheesh PM
          Once you have realized that it is probably the right time for you to own a credit card, you need to chalk out a plan to manage it accordingly and efficiently. We give you eight simple and compact ways to manage all your credit cards. 1....
          • Satheesh PM
            We're living in an “age of the digital”. Digital technology is being used in almost every electronic device we use. Even automobiles are making extensive use of digital technology. From getting up in the morning to hitting the bed in...
            • Satheesh PM
              If you plan to be a netizen, you have to battle with one of your worst enemies - spam. After invading our Gmail and Yahoo! mailboxes, spam is now pouncing upon our dear 'friend' Facebook. Everyday thousands of users' walls are flooded with...
              • datta
                  Statue or photo is inert object. Form carved in stone or painted on paper is also an imaginary form and not even a direct photo. The statues and photos are only models representing the concept, which is knowledge. The form of statues and...
                • antonyanil
                    Wishing in birth day etc is  not correct… God never harms or blesses anyone  Only God is competent to wish you   Generally, people greet others wishing the happy festival or wishing the happy birthday etc. We must...
                  • antonyanil
                      Miracles, Scientists, Atheist and God      Miracles are very widely distributed in the world to give proof for the existence of the God to every human being, which is the basic requirement.  If you pray sincerely in a...
                    • antonyanil
                        The God of science   According to science, inert energy is basic material of this universe, which creates, maintains and finally dissolves entire creation and is the God of science.  The design of the world doesn’t require...
                      • antonyanil
                        Awareness is not God   Soul is the nervous energy or the inert energy functioning in a special style with the help of nervous system. This special style is Knowledge or Awareness. The special work form of the Inert Energy, which is generated...
                        • antonyanil
                            God and energy   God is the absolute truth. Energy is the absolute truth in the field of relativity. Energy is also a relative truth but being the final truth in the ladder of relativity, it is also called as absolute truth within the...
                          • datta
                            Atheist says that God does not exist. For him God is nothing i.e., vacant space. This is first stage. When he sees miracles he becomes believer in God. He accepts God as some power or energy. Power or energy is also formless, like vacant space. So...
                            • Satheesh PM
                              Dear Mr. Prime minister,   I am a typical mouse from Mumbai. In the local train compartment which has capacity of 100 persons, I travel with 500 more mice.  Mouse at least squeaks,  but we don't even do that.   Today I...
                              • Satheesh PM
                                Once upon a time there was a painter who had just completed his course. He took 3 days and painted beautiful scenery. He wanted people's opinion about his caliber and painting skills. He put his creation at a busy street-crossing. And just down...
                                • Satheesh PM
                                  INTERESTING ARTICLE ON OWNERSHIP OF MEDIA .....ONE MUST READWho owns the media in India ?......? Let us see the ownership of different media agencies. NDTV: A very popular TV news media is funded by Gospels of Charity in Spain Supports...
                                  • Vipkavi "Bullet"
                                    बास तुझे खुदा कहूं और कहूं भगवान   तू कितनों का चमचा है तुझको है प्रणाम   तुझको है प्रणाम तू जिस गद्दी पर बैठा   चमचागीरी करके मिली क्यूं इतना ऐठा   कह विपुल कविराय चमचागीरी की है शान   चमचागीरी से मिले जग में...