User Accounts in ANN site

  • User Account is the default member account in ANN site. When a user is registering this site his/her account type will be of this type. A user can create any post in any section of this site except an Announcement. User can delete or edit his/her own post. User can not view or comment if the post has a access control settings private. User can not view any post which has an access control friends if the user is not a friend with the owner of the post. User can view or comment any post which has access control set as logged in user/public.
  • Supervisor Account is a special member account in ANN site. A supervisor can view/edit/delete any content posted by a user who he/she is allowed to supervise irrespective the access control. He can allow/deny a post of a members whom he is a supervisor if content moderation is enabled by Administrator. Supervisor can not view or edit any PM send by any user.
  • Moderator Account is the special member account in ANN site. This user can create any post in any section of this site including Announcement. This User can delete or edit any post existing in ANN site irrespective of the ownership and the access control of the post. He can allow/deny a post of a members (including supervisor) if content moderation is enabled by Administrator. Moderator can not view or edit any PM send by any user.
  • Administrator Account is the special member account in ANN site. This user can create any post in any section of this site including Announcement. This User can delete or edit any post existing in ANN site irrespective of the ownership and the access control of the post. He can allow/deny a post of a members (including supervisor & moderator) if content moderation is enabled. Administrator can ban/delete any user if members are reporting about any user. Admin can reset avatar and passwords. When the password are reset, user will get the system generated password automatically to their registered email ID. Administrator can not view or edit any PM send by any user, but can allow deny sending PM by a User.

Privacy Settings in ANN Website

  • Your registered Email ID is not visible to any member until and unless you share it in Profile
  • If a user send a personal message to any other user, a noftifaication email will be send from ANN site in which the email id of the sending person will be replaced with the default site email id.
  • Spam Login Filter to filter out the spambot registration
  • .htacess deny for top spamming countries like China, US and Uk.
  • Email Validation system to validate the registered email Id for activating the ANN account by user. This will avoid the false email registrations.
  • Walled Garden : Only a few pages and visible to the guest. 98% of the pages are protected... Site become interactive when you login with your username and Password
  • Viewing and writing on your Message Board in Profile can be restricted (logged in users or friends or private)
  • Report This : Can report any content in this site to admin or moderators by clicking the Report This at the bottom of every page..
  • Report User : Also can report any user on this site to admin or moderator by clicking report user button from his/her profile. Or in the User Icon menu.
  • Delete Account : From Settings page you can delete or discontinue the ANN account. On submitting you will be banned for 30 days and your account will be deleted after archiving your log files of your activities in ANN site for safety purpose.
  • Default Access Level of each user is public which can be changed from the setting page after logging in. Available settings are
  • Private : Only you can view your activities.
  • Friends : Your friends can can also view.
  • Logged in Users : All members can see your activities after login.
  • Public : Every one can view including guest who are visiting the site. (Removed this Option since we are using site as a walled garden.)

Security Settings of ANN Website

When a question arise about the safety of your data in Anushakti Nagar Networking (ANN) site, we are responsible to say how safe is your Anushakti Nagar Networking site Account and data related to your account. please read full to find how secure is your ANN account

  • There will be spambot attacks to any site which are online [To know more about spambots google it]. With the help of we have blocked 99% spambot registration in ANN site. Even if there is a registration, admin can delete and report that as a spammer to above site after checking the IP Address.

Result : 99% of spambots are eliminated during registration itself, by checking their email, username and IP address against the database of above site. Hence don't worry about loosing your email ID to spambots. Right now the IP address corresponding to each Member account are from India (98% in Mumbai)

  • Blocked top spamming countries like CHINA, US, UK and UAE in .htaccess file, which prevents loading of ANN site in those countries.

Result : When accessed from these countries they will see a error message with a heading "Access Denied". Blocking the access from this country is done using IP range of that country in .htaccess file.

  • Blocked all countries other than INDIA in .htaccess file, which prevents loading of ANN site out side INDIA.

Result : When accessed from outside india they will see a error message with a heading "STOP". Blocking the access from other countries are done using IP range (4574 lines of IP Blocks) of that country in .htaccess file.

  • There is a inbuilt wall garden for ANN site which again denies the view of all pages or sections except the footer links at bottom and of-course, registration page and forgot password page.

Result : ANN site is interactive only when the user is logged into his/her account. (Note : its like Orkut not like Facebook)

  • Further if you want to secure your contact details like email Id, contact number, mobile number etc in your profile, there are 4 access controls in ANN site which can be selected for each profile field while editing your profile. Also from the settings page you can set your Default Access Level. Example, if access level set to friends, only your friends can view all your activity in ANN site. Again any posting in this ANN site can be secured separately by selecting the access level for that Item. Further there is a access control option to select for groups where you are a member. If access level is selected for any group where you are a member, only those group members can view your activity.

Result : If set the correct access levels you can again secure your details in ANN site Account. The available Access Control levels are Public, Friends, Logged in Users and Private. Plus Group Access levels where you are a member.

  • Any of your INTERNET activity other than ANN site activity can be secured by using the latest versions of Internet Browsers. Use Mozilla Firefox [version 116.0+], Internet Explorer [version 8.0+]/Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome [version 115.0+], Safari [Version 95.0+] or Opera [version 110.0+]

Thank you very much for your patience.