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Shower All With Blessings
Blessing expands you. It makes you light. When we bless all the people - those whom we like and those whom we dislike - we become the perfect expression of the Almighty. His true expression is unconditional love. When we remove all hatred and fear from our minds, we become embodiments of love.
Love expands. Love makes our life enjoyable. When we express sincere gratitude to all objects and beings that enable our existence on earth, we become universal. Once we understand the true relevance of the food that we have consumed so far, the houses that sheltered us, the books that gave us knowledge, our parents and teachers and, above all, the Divinity that sustained us, we will be filled with humility and deep gratitude.
Most of our vital functions including respiration, circulation, digestion, heartbeat and even sleep for that matter, are controlled by our subconscious mind. All these things are working in perfect synchronisation because our conscious mind has nothing to do with it. We are given time, space, intellect and situation to give expression to our inherent traits.
No single person is in control of everything. There is no sense in blaming any one person when something goes wrong or to entertain feelings of guilt. What is there to be afraid of? All experiences have been lessons. We could not have changed anything. So, there is little else to do than express unconditional love and compassion. We might as well bless everybody and everything. When we realise that we are not really the one who does everything, we will see our ego getting nullified and our doer-ship getting dissolved. We will then operate in perfect awareness and gratitude.
God (who is in us) is to be loved, not feared. The soul element that fuels our existence is the God within us - Generator, Operator and Destroyer. All of us have the same God element. None is inferior or superior to anyone else. Some have evolved to higher realms through rigorous practices, contemplation and meditation. Through lifetimes of efforts, they attained higher awareness. That's all. In principle, all are one and the same. The same soul element fuels the existence of all the living beings, which includes plants, animals and birds. Just like the same electricity is used to operate various equipments, the same soul operates various bodies; and some of them are human bodies.
All of us are temporary custodians of body and all our possessions. It is the same with relationships too. Everything is temporary. Everything has a definite lifespan. Once we accept this truth, there is no room for egocentric expressions. All we can do is to forgive everything. Bless everything.
When we shift our consciousness to the spine - and to 360 degrees - the impact and wear and tear of events around us will be very little. Nothing will touch us deeply. Nothing will overwhelm us. You will maintain perfect equanimity and deep gratitude. Nothing happens by accident. Everything has a perfect reason. We often cannot understand the reason from our level of consciousness. Our inability should not be interpreted as cosmic deficiency. Cosmic perfection is infinite and incomparable.
All of us exist in various planes of consciousness. We carry the conditionings of our immediate past as well as other lives without having clarity about it. We cannot usually figure out which conditioning provoked which response in us. But invariably we are victims of our conditionings. Hence, it is important to touch base with our own consciousness; our real Self. We are one family and one consciousness. We will never be separate from one another.
- Mohanji