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Activity of Murthy

    • Murthy
      Murthy joined the group CAR PROBLEM...take free advice...
      • Murthy
        Murthy is now a friend with LALIT KUMAR
            LALIT KUMAR
            • Murthy
              Murthy is now a friend with sanjaya kumar patel
                  sanjaya kumar patel
                  • Murthy
                    Murthy is now a friend with koushik basu
                        koushik basu
                        • Murthy
                          Murthy is now a friend with rajesh
                              • Murthy
                                Murthy is now a friend with Amod
                                    • Murthy
                                      Murthy is now a friend with Soujanya Mukherjee
                                          Soujanya Mukherjee
                                          • Murthy
                                            Murthy is now a friend with tsrao
                                                • Murthy
                                                  Murthy is now a friend with Kondayya Gundra
                                                      Kondayya Gundra
                                                      • Murthy
                                                        Murthy is now a friend with vijay phalke
                                                            vijay phalke
                                                            • Murthy
                                                              Murthy posted on Murthy's message board
                                                              • Murthy
                                                                Murthy published a blog post Towards victory over oneself
                                                                The guideline given in Bhagavad Gita (6.7) for ensuring that one becomes his ally in his own progress is strikingly similar to a powerful and remarkable quote of   A J Cronin. He notes, “The virtue of all achievements is victory over...
                                                                • Murthy
                                                                  Good business schools are becoming aware that apart from learning how to maximize wealth, they need to also learn how to maximize happiness – their own and of those around them.   There is a difference between happiness and what we...
                                                                  • Murthy
                                                                    Murthy published a blog post Work always out of inspiration
                                                                    If WE observe ourselves closely, we will realise that goals always create worry in us.  When we move toward a goal, we move only with the worry about the results.  Lord Krishna says beautifully in the Bhagvad Gita, ‘The person who...
                                                                    • Murthy
                                                                      Murthy published a blog post A Life Free of Burden
                                                                      Why are we not able to progress quickly? The reason why people do not progress quickly is that they are loaded with a pile of external opinions and thoughts. If you go for a walk in the morning and someone asks you where you are going, you...
                                                                      • Murthy
                                                                        Murthy has a new avatar
                                                                        • Murthy
                                                                          Murthy published a blog post Awareness – the benign virus
                                                                          Worry is a deeply embedded pattern in us. It happens independently, without any valid reason to justify it. Worry is like an addiction. Any addition happens because we try to maintain our patterns. It becomes our nature. We should understand...
                                                                          • Murthy
                                                                            Murthy is now a friend with Aks
                                                                                • Murthy
                                                                                  Murthy published a blog post Buddhahood and Consciousness
                                                                                  Gautama Buddha is the scientist of both the inner world and of religion; a rare combination. To be religious is simple, to be a scientist is simple — but to synthesise these two polarities is incredible. There are three approaches towards...
                                                                                  • Murthy
                                                                                    Murthy published a blog post Of Ego And Will
                                                                                    Many people believe they need a strong ego to live a successful life and to  progress in their spiritual pursuits. This is not true. We cannot be successful in either the external or internal world while we are tossed about by a powerful...