
Happy to announce that the first Android app for ANN has been rolled out.. Please install it from Play Store using this Link

Results for "getting"


    • Satheesh PM

      ..... only i do the uploading or downloading of the edited page of ANN to server and download some software.. that all. Tagline : for 495 plan i am getting a bill of...

    Wire post

        forgiving people who have heart you is your gift to them.......... ...forgetting the pain caused by them,, its your gifts to yourself.
        • Jyothish Babu
          So petrol is getting cheaper than diesel at last?!!


          • Murthy
            ...ts of death. 9. Keep your curiosity alive: People who vigorously retain the childlike habit of questioning are happy on two counts. They enjoy getting to know t...
            • Murthy
              ...ate our weakness by answering a pebble with a cannon. We lose composure the moment our feelings are even slightly bruised. We have a hard time forgetting injuries...


              • J P Nair
                ...e and with your sankalpa, i.e., the specific purpose for which you are getting the Puja...anifest.   Sankalpa is the specific purpose for which you are getting the Puja...

              Market Ad


              • A.C.E
                Association ____ Civil Engineers   Association For Civil engineers   Association To Civil Engineers   Associatiom By Civil Engineers   Getting together all...