
Happy to announce that the first Android app for ANN has been rolled out.. Please install it from Play Store using this Link

Lets follow ANNA from our own places

Without hitting the streets can we contribute to our nation's cause? I have an idea.

1st of all lets be ants( Disciplined, united and able to carry 20times more than it's own weight), forget crabs(pulling each others legs). We all have a unique place in the world. We must try hard to find that, than to choose easy way by pulling somebody down. When one front runner is pulled down, the victim is floored for sure, but what good will happen to the victor? Considering each citizen a cell of our nation body, a country can only cease to develop and rot instead. Let us lift our morale and give preference to sweat over blood. Let's build our nation afresh. ....Lets take Anna's steps to begin a journey...May lokpal be just the beginning.



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    • Avinash

      If we have to keep the fire burning, then we must make sure that in any future election not even a single candidate who belongs to any political party should get elected. I think all the political parties are thoroughly and convincingly exposed during the recent agitation for Lokpal. If someone says that there are no good candidates other than political parties in a nation of 1230 millions, it is difficult to believe and digest.

      • Soumyadip Mondal
        Comment by owner

        There are good people too in politics. That was proved when the special session was on song in the parliament about the jan lokpal bill. When some mocked Anna, many supported the movement. They are all part of political parties only. Had all of them been corrupt minded, the resolution for the bill would not have been passed through. Yes, there may be cases where in a single booth centre where no one candidate is good enough to get elected. In that case we must vote for none. That option should be there in the ballot paper itself. Anna said that will be his next movement - the electoral reform. Let the fire keep burning .......