
Happy to announce that the first Android app for ANN has been rolled out.. Please install it from Play Store using this Link

My first post on ANN

Congratulations to the creators of ANN. It has taken a great shape. I had in the past made quite some efforts to network Anushaktinagar residents. I had started a website called Anushaktinagar Knowledge Network. I had started the Anushaktinagar Blog. I have also started the email list called BARC Sell and Buy. But nothing could be as sucessful as this one. All the best. I would like to contribute in whatever way I can.



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    • Satheesh PM

      thank you very much sir for your willingness to support us. we will be much obliged if you could send a mail regarding this site in the email list BARC sell and buy.
      Thank you for your help

      • Satheesh PM

        so how you feel about this site after your fist post?