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Anushaktinagar or Asthmashaktinagar?

    bella canzone

    Did you notice that most of the children below 15years living in Anushaktinagar suffer from Asthma. If you have a child below 5years, you must already have gone through one or two episodes of Asthma. If you take a statistics, I am sure this problem is more in Anushaktinagar compared to other parts of the city.

    I tried myself to study this as many of these children do not have any family history of Asthma. When some people blame the vegetations around (the pollens and other bio irritants) my strong doubt is the Rashtriya Chemical Factory and BPCL. The cases of admission in the hospital is more when we too when the atmosphere is cloudy, and get a smell of cooking gas in the air. The wind direction from RCF as well as BPCL is bringing the poisonous gases to Anushaktinagar. Recently some environmental activists near RCF have already filed a complaint against it as there was a yellow gas coming out from its stacks and RCF promised to take care of this. If we need to build a healthy young generation, we need to act and save our children. What do you say?