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Go Green : Automobile Pollution

    Satheesh PM

    Automobile Pollution may be defined as pollution which includes air and noise pollution caused by a vehicle powered by either spark ignition or compression ignition internal combustion engine or generating power to drive such vehicles by burning fuel.

    The horror of Automobile pollution must be realized under these estimates

    • If vehicular pollution remains unchecked by 1991-92, the vehicles in Mumbai will released 1,07,000 tonnes of carbon monoxide per year in the atmosphere.
    • 400 tonnes of pollutants are emitted every day in Delhi. An ordinary person requires 14,000 litter fresh air for breathing 216000 to 23250 times a day.
    • A car pollutes such an amount of fresh air in traveling 1000 km, which is sufficient for an adult respiration.
    • A car uses as much fresh air in a minute which is sufficient for 1135 persons to birth for a minute