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What your stars foretell

    Satheesh PM

    Year for long-term commitments

    There are exciting times ahead for Aries in 2011. On March 11, Uranus transits through your sign. Its role is to wake us up so that we recognise where we have become rigid. Your need for personal freedom becomes greater, forcing you to make changes in the way you handle yourself and the world. What you desire from life will change. Your will power and ambition to succeed in your area of expertise will increase, even if you have held back in the past.

    imageYour accomplishments and talent will be appreciated. Career wise, you will know your goals and will probably choose a new path. Business and financial transformations this year look positive. It's a great time to start new projects and expand old ones. You will get access to powerful people. On the flip side, you should avoid illegal dealings, and nurture your reputation and learn to deal cautiously with authority figures.

    Good health is a boon this year. You will be under a lot of pressure, sometimes stress could cloud your judgement. Rushing jobs that should be handled carefully poses the risk of mishaps. Spiritual matters will be more important to you this year and will have a positive effect on your health.

    Saturn, the planet of responsibility, moves through your house of marriage throughout the year urging you to seek a long-term relationship. For those married, this is a year when your relationship can become the source of difficulty. The period from July to mid-October is good for relationships. You will develop the ability to weather any storm in love matters.

    Take the time to contemplate the year ahead and note things that are important. Let this guide you through decisions. You may find that you have a way out of a tough situation through the kindness of a friend or relative, so don't be shy to ask for help. January, March, July and September are great for travel; when heading out for journey expect the unexpected. 

    Perseverance will show results

    You are completing a 12-year-cycle making this a very significant year. For the first six months, you will focus on completing long-term projects. You will be in a hurry to complete old activities so you can move on to new ones. Jupiter remains in your sign through out the year; instead of racing ahead, do what you are best at, carefully create new goals. Taking short cuts will not be favorable, the end results will come from persistence. Career will go through an interesting phase, the opportunities are there but you will have to work to take advantage of them. Appraise your strengths and weaknesses. Have patience at work and with your peer group. If you are job hunting between July 9th to October 12th, you may find it difficult.

    imageBetween July to December you will be dealing with an issue that is hidden and you will be bringing it into light where it will lose its ability to frighten or trouble you. Your intuition will be highlighted and dream recall will be richer. It would be an excellent time to take up yoga.

    The most romantic and creative time for you for falls between August and October. For singles, it is an opportune time to get romantically involved. You can also be involved in a creative project that consumes a lot of your time. Taureans looking out for a serious relationship, the best time would be January, October and November. During this period existing relationships could be taken to the next level.

    For students, the beginning of 2011 is a favorable time to enroll in new courses and complete projects. Home and family matters may go through stress. February is a favorable time to buy residential properties. If you owe money to family members, you may be expected to make repayment quicker than expected. Many of you will be reaching a pinnacle of success, especially in the latter part of the year. With Saturn in your solar house of health this year, constantly review your diet.  

    Mingle with active, positive people

    The focus of your life is learning this year. 2011 is full of exciting opportunities. There will be changes, unusual happenings, unusual people and unforeseen adventures. You will find that you are capable of almost any task. 2011 will be good for your financial affairs.

    On January 22nd there is a planetary movement that will help strengthen your work associations. Your long-term goals and wishes with regard to your career will be achieved more easily. Set your goals high because you will make money from career related activities. Be careful not to get overextended with debt. If your business requires large amounts borrowed money, you can pull off big deals but be cautious.

    imageBetween March 27th and April 21st is a positive time to start a new business and make new professional contacts. The period between June 20th to August 3rd is the time to take advantage of your communication skills. For professionals this is a time to pitch ideas and asked for a raise.

    For students pursuing higher education March and April will prove beneficial, September for foreign travels.

    Health matters are closely tied to your psychological attitude. Sometimes it is hard to begin to control your thinking as you naturally live in your head. Mix with positive and active people and your mind will respond in a positive way.

    Exercise restraint on your intake of food. If you are suffering from an eyesight problem be especially careful during January and October.

    Love and romance can be a learning ground. Your love affair may involve an older person who acts almost as a parent. You will discover aspects of yourself through a relationship. Love and marriage are highlighted from April to July and from November to December. If you're single, this is a great year for concentrating on yourself and building an emotionally satisfying relationship. This is a year for finding your calling in life.

    Look forward, let go of the past

    You will be motivated to take advantage of opportunities that come your way this year. You will be on the lookout for ways to satisfy your inner desires. 2011 is the year of transformations. From April 4th until late December you will take full responsibility for your life and do whatever you can to stabilise your relationships and secure your emotional well-being. You will be emotionally intense from July 1 through August 25 and will make serious and important decisions about the direction in your life. Luck and opportunity will come your way professionally from January 22 to June 7th.

    You will broaden your views on career matters, your income will increase and you will feel more confident, expenditure will also increase. Live in the present and go with the flow. There could be legal issues with investments and contracts.

    April and August will be beneficial to settle pending legal issues and settle property matters. Many of you would want to take up work overseas.

    imageStudents will gain in educational endeavors. There will be more clarity and chances of future success as the call for adventure increases, new directions can be considered.

    Building your immune system and handling stress in a positive manner will make a difference. Between June 15 and September 25, care should be taken of the digestive system.

    Finding the perfect mate won't be easy this year. Couples in committed relationships will be inclined to go one step further and legalize your partnership or begin a family. Cancerians who have been through a rough patch will be able to reconcile their differences. The year 2011 brings the opportunity to look back to your past then let it go. Look forward to exciting social life, friends will be a great support. A rise in status, enhanced reputation or a special honor will be bestowed on you.   imageLeo
    In romance, expect change this year

    You were born to express creativity through performance. You love the applause, the recognition and feedback. Every Leo loves drama; so whether you are on stage, in front of a class or anywhere this year, your creative flair moves through you like a force of nature. 2011 looks promising; there will be enough excitement, unpredictability and drama.

    Whether you’re entering a new career or business, the planetary line-up is such that you end up exactly where you are supposed to be at this time of your life. Embrace whatever change comes your way and trust that the universe works for your own good.

    imageCareer-wise it’s a perfect year for a change or shift. You will have the dedication, willpower to work towards your dreams. Difficult situations at work will propel you to look elsewhere and will also be an opportunity for self-development.

    April to August, financial benefits could come through inheritance or division of shares.

    Business folks may not find it smooth when dealing with other people’s money.

    Your partners or investors may not be totally honest or supportive. Working independently is best during 2011. June, July and August is a good time for property settlements, speculation or promotions. In setting up a new business deal, be cautious before investing your finances. Travel especially with your career is indicated in January, March, July and September as is working with companies based overseas.

    Students looking for higher education will find unexpected opportunities. March, April, May and June is an excellent time for learning, teaching and jobs abroad.

    Health will be generally good. This is the time to start a physical regimen to maintain well-being. Yoga or a similar spiritual practice can be excellent.

    Romance is highlighted during May and June. The second half of the year is an excellent time to start a family for married couples. In romance and love, change is underway this year. Complaints and grievances can be faced honestly and it will help rework boundaries of your relationship. February is a good time to clear the air and build a lasting and solid bond. For singles, February and December are good for marriage plans.

    This is a powerful year for spiritual adventures. You may be ready to let go of old beliefs as new concepts grab your attention. July and August, you may experience a state of confusion where you question life on a deeper level. You will be seeking profound answers but are not likely to get them easily.

    Expect intense love encounters

    This is an unusual year for Virgos, practical, go-getting and dependable; you will make changes that may be unsettling and disconcerting. You will make use of your talents. The first half of the year you may be impatient; your growth and development no matter how fast, will proceed too slowly for your satisfaction. Career wise, issues and matters dealing with promotion and bosses could be tricky at times, a bumpy path especially in May and June.

    Money matters will be accentuated in January, August, November December. You will restrict your spending habits and build your personal income. Growing a portfolio of real estate holdings may be more lucrative than stocks and bonds.

    Investing in property is favourable in the second half of the year. Although more income will be generated in 2011, expenditure due to investments will also increase.

    From mid-March to May and June there are chances of inheritance or a lucky windfall. Cash will also flow in due to the efforts of a business or personal partner. Virgos handling their own business should take care when providing credit customers.

    imageKeep on top of debt collection to ensure that money is readily available to pay creditors. March and April, avoid borrowing and lending money. By taking control of your financial security, you can have greater control of your life. The second half of 2011 is good for professionals seeking new career paths.

    Virgo is the sign of health and you are generally health-conscious. Energy levels might fluctuate but good health will be constant. Natural remedies may be of benefit especially for the nervous system.

    For single Virgos, seeking a commitment this is the year, especially January to March. Be ready to get out and mingle. A friend or family member will be good at suggesting romantic partner for you so allow others to play the role of matchmaker. Intense love encounters are likely. Those in a permanent relationship will strive to keep your union happy. Those of you in relationships that are heading nowhere will take a decision to cut your losses and move on.

    The year promises to be a happy and fruitful. It is a year when caution and common sense need to be applied liberally. If you remember to implement the rule to spend a little and save a little, you can expect to build a strong foundation for the future. Then you can spend the year happier and wealthier than you began.

    Keep an eye on your health, finances

    Your life path in 2011 would be one of inward growth. You are versatile and active and can do almost anything with your talents. Although you will be interested in the new, the different and the progressive, you will proceed with awareness of your responsibilities and concern for others.

    You are quick-thinking and able to analyse, but you will be restless and want to break out of routine tasks. January to June is the time for self development with many unexpected changes in your personal and professional life.

    You will turn your attention inward and look at what you can do for yourself. Usually, yours is a sign that likes pleasing people and keeping harmony.

    imageYou will work hard, face your responsibilities have faith in your own ideas and abilities. February, March and April will be a busy time for you bringing many ups and downs at work. Unexpected happenings will call for spontaneous decisions and throw you into some situations that you might later wish you had avoided. These situations will bring opportunities for giant leaps in your personal growth.

    Finances could be rocky. Watch your spending habits between April 21 and May 12. For business folks, from October 10 to November 23 is favourable to obtain finance and investments. You might come to loggerheads with your partner a business associate over an important financial matter. So be wise and obtain legal financial advice before acting on it. In July, you will get the opportunity to straighten out situations in your professional life that have been sources of trouble.

    Changes on the home front can bring up emotional confrontations and situations. For students, this will be a year of aspirations;  where creativity will be the emphasis.

    Your physical defences could be down making you prone to viruses and stress. Consistently strive to maintain a good diet and exercise routines. You can also develop allergy to certain foods.

    A spiritual approach will be beneficial. Love and romance figure very strongly this year. Single Librans can look forward to many romances until you find the right one. This is a learning time, a time when you discover what it is you really want from a partner. Dating is meant to be fun and singles can enjoy a lot of it. Married Librans might experience sudden changes in romantic life.

    Not the end of love but changes that are necessary for you to grow and find your heart’s desire. Changes on the home front will give you a chance to finally overcome those personal demons that have been holding you hostage.

    It’s a good year to enhance career

    This is a dynamic year full of optimism and popularity. Your artistic and creative talents take centrestage and your intuition will be very strong. Professionally, expect many opportunities. You will be exhilarated by all the exciting events in your life. You will plan exciting trips or follow some unusual vocation to offset a solid or responsible career. January is the month of new beginnings. Creativity will be met with success. Professionally, January to June will be beneficial. Scorpios involved in writing, selling or training others will excel.

    This is a good year to start a variety of topics to enhance career prospects. The atmosphere at work will improve, peers and bosses will be cooperative. Challenges experienced over the past couple of years begin to disappear. Pay and employment conditions are likely to bring more satisfaction. Business folks will expand their current set-up and will obtain lucrative contracts. Scorpios in the entertainment, advertising and public relations fields will receive a boost in 2011.

    Money management and generating income will be relatively easy this year. The doors to professional advancement will open with a number of choices available for you to decide on. Focus on financial goals, make sure money is invested, be prepared for unexpected expenses. April, August, November expect delays, postpone buying properties or new vehicle.

    Health-wise there should not be too much to worry about as long as good health is not taken for granted. Avoid stress and excess, adopt a balanced diet. However, keeping your weight down might be a challenge for some Scorpios. Exert willpower and determination to overcome this tendency.

    imageIn love and romance celebrations are plentiful. Surprise engagements and sudden marriages are foreseen. Unattached Scorpios have a very good chance of meeting someone special. This could happen in an unexpected or unlikely way especially in the first three months of the year. Married Scorpios could experience a rocky patch in April and May.

    Open and honest communication will restore the ties and your partner will be more understanding of your need for freedom. New projects initiated this year will be successful. It is also the time to complete outstanding tasks and to bring a venture to completion. The resourceful Scorpio will make considerable progress in 2011. Old habits and strategies are in the process of disappearing, ready to be replaced by positive and successful new patterns.  

    You may change your profession

    This is a challenging year for you. There will be two major stages of development. The first is of playfulness, creativity and risk-taking. It's best to let your imagination run wild. The second phase will begin in June when it will be time to turn your attention to one major project. Knowing how to balance soaring inspiration with slower routine is crucial.

    Although you may be known for your visionary talents, now you must deliver on your promises. The truth that lies within you can transform your world this year. July to October are intense months which will lead you to a bottomless well of wisdom that holds the answer to all your cosmic questions. Resolution will come in nameless feelings that empower you with hope.

    You will learn to restore yourself and give strength to others. Self-expression is highlighted which could lead to a change in profession. The start of the year will make you more determined to amass money and material possessions.

    imageYou can look forward to promotions and increased income. Some of you might discover that although your career path is highly respected and lucrative it does not satisy you. So you may decide to work in another area that gives you personal rewards and fulfillment. Many of you may consider studying or training in order to work in another field.

    Business folks should practise moderation in all areas,especially in the first half of the year. Your desire to succeed and make your mark on society will be strong. Protect yourself against infections and emotional overload in March and April. Stress in the first half of the year could cause lower energy levels.

    March 9 onwards there could be unexpected changes in your love life. For singles there could be a whirlwind, with a new love every other week. Relationships will start amid excitement and may go out the same way.

    On and off relationships could keep you on your toes. Sudden infatuations could break up existing relationships. Some of you will be attracted to difficult partners. There are good chances of falling in love with someone from another country. January to June you are more likely to be enjoying life itself and not looking for a permanent relationship. Married couples will experience disruptive times.

    If you work in any facet of the art, craft and design fields you will be better than usual at innovating and taking new approaches. 2011 promises to a year packed full of challenges.  

    Progress on the career front

    You are the achiever, the builder, the classic type A personality whose focus is so tight that everyone and everything becomes part of your journey towards the pinnacle. Any professional challenges you encounter in 2011 will be tackled the same way that you tackle any other challenge in your life – you find a way around it. You value what is tangible, practical and your journey through any obstacle reflects it. This year the stars are stacked in your favour.

    Capricorn confidence and self assurance will be enhanced; a metamorphosis will take place. Many of you will have interesting professional options to move up the ladder of success. At work, your life will be about constant change. If you can embrace the transition and go with the flow, your life will be enhanced. Rewards for your dedication, service and effort will be received. Developing life outside your vocation is important. For some of you, this might be creating a beautiful welcoming home, large or small. Your friend circle will widen.

    imageFor business folks the desire to enter the field of real estate could pay dividends. But you will need to do your homework. Capricorns who are savvy and know current property values should find a number of good real estate options from January through March.
    Avoid impulsive purchases from March to April. This is a great year for students, especially those in creative fields. Your health and well-being will remain stable throughout the year.

    In love matters, problems in relationships can come to light. Some of you may have ended a love affair, separated from a partner or currently experiencing a rocky path in a committed union.

    It will be essential to curb your workaholic tendencies so you can focus on family and love life. Singles will have abundant romantic interludes. An associate or long-time friend could suddenly be seen through romantic eyes. An older or more stable partner might appeal to those of you looking for security as well as love.

    There is also a possibility that single Capricorns could date a superior. A marriage or permanent relationship is foreseen with someone who is in the public eye. A summer wedding may be the highlight of 2011 for some Capricorn folks.

    For others, the birth of a child is foreseen. Capricorn is one of the most capable of all the Zodiac signs. If you can make up your mind to a task, you can resolve issues and turn problems around so that best results are achieved.

    You will go on a spiritual quest

    The year is progressive, your views on everything from politics to religion expand who and what you are. You are an intellectual explorer who delves into different kinds belief systems. Your tolerance for other people's beliefs, deepens your understanding of the universe.

    You will benefit through professional endeavors, and group associations. Your finances are a wild card. Doing what you love will ultimately bring you greater wealth, luck and happiness rather than pursuing the status quo. 2011 is a year full of movement and change; a lifestyle that seemed way out of your league will now become a reality.

    You can expect significant changes in your approach to life, your goals and things you value. Spiritual or religious principles will become much more important in your life. You may start to live within spiritual structures.

    imageYou will follow a career that will hold more meaning. Money, spending, saving and investing assume more importance at the beginning of the year. March is a good time to invest, if you are starting a new business you should get the green light then. You would be wise to seek professional financial advice on any major moves. Between August and September, your business is strong and you can make significant gains.

    Some Aquarians may move to a place quite different from any place you have lived before. Some of you may move overseas. You will learn a new language and manage new cultural habits. Love and romance will be the emphasis this year.

    You won't be alone for any length of time. For singles July and August are slated for wedding celebrations. Romance that begins early this year will last a lifetime. Aquarians in established relationships could experience difficulties in communication with your partner.

    Property settlements may be difficult this year especially from October to December. Health can be at risk from an unbalanced lifestyle. Fevers, colds and eating disorders must be dealt with a combination of checkups and natural therapy.

    Don't hesitate to explore various therapies in your search to lead a healthy balanced life. You will enjoy several short trips during the first half of the year. Travel in the second half will be extended to study, professional or family commitments.

    From early June to December concentrate your energies on your personal life. This is an excellent period to put down roots.   image

    Long-held goals will be met in 2011

    Dreamer, healer and mystic – all the epithets fit you. You live within a rich inner world that is both a buffer and conduit to deeper experiences. Any professional challenges that come your way during 2011 will be met with your powerful intuition, your imagination and your unique way of dealing with adversity with faith. The tentacles of your psychic abilities are active 24-7. The year poses excellent chances of financial gains through friends and associates.

    The realization of a long held goal is foreseen in 2011. Pisces is one of the luckiest signs in the Zodiac during 2011. Social life will be active.

    New job opportunities could open up. Business and career will receive a boost in March, April, July. Seeking contracts and dealing with overseas companies should not be a problem at this time. For the career minded Pisces, eager to expand your horizons, a posting abroad might be the start to 2011 that you have dreams about. Saturn brings focus to your solar house of shared assets, power and regeneration.

    imageYou will have to restructure your finances in a positive manner. Building a solid financial base is important even if you don't have a strong interest in accumulating money and assets. Growing a real estate portfolio might be in the agenda as a means for the savvy Pisces to accumulate wealth.

    Partnership funds will be handy. There is a chance of a legacy or settlement coming your way. Other people's money may be added to your personal money in a shared venture that promises gain. Your ability to imagine and use inspirational ideas remains strong; Your creative output will increase.

    Health will be fine this year. Mid April and August are periods when you may be a bit accident prone. Pay special attention to your feet. Be aware when your body signals that it is time to rest and relax.
    Love and romance are ideal from the start of 2011. Singles will have many options.

    However, if a partnership for married Pisceans is experiencing upsets, a separation may be on the horizon. January and February is a good time to enjoy wonderful holiday romance.
    The year 2011 is a very good time for Pisces to work at building financial stability. Just be moderate in order to reduce expenditure. Then you can make and keep money to secure your future.

    Your creative talents will blossom this year enabling you to obtain a cherished dream and your goals. Inspiration comes from dreaming and visualising, so continue to do both.