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Results for "leave"


    • bella canzone

      ...he blunder's adviced by such RMO's. Some one should take a lead to end this RMO minace in our hospital or many of us and our children will have to leave earth bef...


      • Murthy is tall and straight/But if one comes to it with hope of gain, what will one get?/Its fruit is without taste, Its flowers have no fragrance/Its leaves are of n...
        • Murthy
          ...rom ego and stand up with responsibility, the expansion happens and you become like the bamboo flute. Then, just as the air that enters the bamboo leaves it as mu...


        • n15_amy-helene-johansson
          ...carriage in front of her. It is the month of Ramadan, a fast which culminates in Eid-ul-Fitr, a three-day celebration. Tens of thousands of people leave the city...